Business Terms

1.User Information
These General Terms and Conditions are valid for all orders concerning

2. Contract Partners
This onlineshop is operated by:

Innsbruck Information und Reservierung GmbH (IIR)
Burggraben 3
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43 512 5356-0
Fax:+43 512 5356-341

Please refer all your complaints and demands for warranty to this address.

3. Contracting
Orders through our website are binding offers for a contract with Innsbruck Information und Reservierung Gmbh (IIR). It is up to IIR, to accept this order or refuse it within 14 days with notification to the customer.

4. Price, Costs
The total value of the order includes all taxes and costs with the exception of import duties.

5. Terms of payment 
The total amount of the delivery is due with order. Payment is possible by credit card (Mastercard or Visa). Encoded safe data-transfer is effected by „datatrans“

6. Delivery and retention of title
The order will be executed through our delivery service usually within 14 days. The goods remain our property until full payment.

7. Right of Recall
The customer is entitled to recall the order in writing (letter, fax, email)  within 7 days after receipt of goods without the obligation  to indicate any reasons. If the right of recall is exercised  the items have to be returned to IIR without delay . The customer is in this case responsible for the costs and risks of returning the received goods.

8. Warranty
Warranty is assumed in accordance with legal regulations.In the case of any damage or defect the customer  may only claim under exclusion of any other remedy exchange against a damage-free unit  or  the refund of the invoiced and paid price.

9. Liability
IIR is only liable for damages caused by intent or gross negligence. The liability for warranties is irrespective of fault. For slight negligence IIR is only liable according to product liability law regulations, for injury to life, limb or health or because oft he breach of contract. Claims for damages for the negligent breach of fundamental  contractual obligations is limited to the typical, forseeable damage if IIR is not liable for injury to life, limb or health. For the negligence of agents and representatives IIR is lialbe to the same extent.

10.Prohibition of Assignment
Customers are not allowed to assign any rights of this contract to a third party without written consent of IIR.

11. Applicabe Law
All contracts concluded  with the IIR-online shop are subject to austrian law with exclusion of any references to foreign law.  UN-contracts law is explicitely excluded.